Well, we've reached June 2, 2009 and it's still just Mike and I. No baby yet. I've decided that Baby Byrne is taking after his dad..........sleeping through his due date like his dad is able to sleep through most things.....that's ok though, I'd rather a sleeping baby!!
Anyway, we had another appointment today and found out I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced so things are progressing, but not fast enough. I lost 2 pounds since last week which is normal at this point to lose weight. My blood pressure was good at 118/62 and the baby's heartbeat remains strong at 145 - 147 bpm.
I've been feeling pretty good the last couple of days. I actually went to my prenatal yoga class on Sunday and my prenatal water aerobics class yesterday. Some folks in both classes thought I was crazy for being there, but I felt good so I thought I'd go. I might try to go to both classes again later this week. We will see. Hopefully it will help move things along.
So what's the game plan? Well, I have another doctor's appointment on Friday morning at 8am to see if I'm more dilated. If still no baby by Friday or over the weekend, then I go back for another appointment on Monday or Tuesday for another checkup. Once I hit Tuesday, which I'll be 41 weeks, then my doctor and I will talk about next steps. I don't want to be induced at this point and my doctor is not a fan of it either so at least we're on the same page. However, if me or the baby are at risk then we'll have the "induction" discussion. She said that since I'm feeling good, my weight and blood pressure are great and the baby's heartbeat is strong then there's no need to be induced. It's all about waiting for this little guy to make an appearance at this point and not forcing him to.
Some other updates..........the Nursery is finished and I've posted some pictures of it in the post below this one. I also started to pack my hospital bag......I have a list of what I want to bring and now a pile of stuff to put in the bag, but no official bag packed yet. As for our house, we are pretty much settled in our house, thanks to Mike. He's been amazing and I feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful husband..........he's taking very good care of me and making sure I'm laying down, putting my feet up, he's making dinner, organizing our house, running errands, etc. He's the best!
Other than that, we're just waiting.......and waiting.......and waiting. We will let all of you know when he's here and we'll be sure to post pictures as soon as he arrives.
Thanks to everyone for your calls, your support and your love! We look forward to introducing you to Baby Byrne!