Tuesday, March 10, 2009

7 Months/28th Week Update

We had another doctor appointment today for our 28th week checkup. It was another general check up, but they also drew my blood for a glucose screening to check for gestational diabetes. I should get those results back in the next day or two.

My blood pressure was 108/60, the baby's heartbeat was ranging from 148 to 151 to 155 bpm and I've gained about 5 pounds since the last visit. All great numbers once again. When we were listening to Baby Byrne's heartbeat, we could also hear my heartbeat (71) so we were hearing mine and his at the same time. How cool is that? We really enjoyed hearing both beat together.

I've been feeling good for the most part. I had a bad day yesterday with dizziness, some lightheadedness and nausea, but it just lasted a day. I also came down with the stomach flu a couple of weeks ago, but again that only lasted a day. Other than that, I've been doing really well and feeling great.

Baby Byrne has definitely grown since my last update. I can feel him moving more and more and the kicks are getting stronger. Mike and I enjoy watching my entire belly move from the little guy. He still seems to be very active which is starting to worry us that he's up more than he's down. Yikes! We are hoping for a sleeper but might not get that.

We have 12 weeks to go and are starting to prepare for him to arrive. We have purchased most of the nursery furniture by now and my baby shower is April 4th (thanks to our families for organizing it), which we'll get more stuff for the baby then. However, we won't be preparing the nursery until May because we hope to move into a new house by the end of April (keep your fingers crossed for us). Nothing like getting a new job (me), having a baby and moving into a new house all within 6 months. Mike and I love change and I guess we like to do it all at once to keep our lives exciting.

That's all that is new with us. We will now have our doctor appointments every 2 weeks so the next one is scheduled for March 24th, which is just another general checkup. I did confirm with my doctor that we'll get another ultrasound at the 34th week appt for them to check the fetal growth. It will be fun to see how big he's gotten since the 20th week ultrasound.

Thanks to everyone who continue to follow our blog and for your support. We are getting very excited for little Baby Byrne to arrive and for all of you to meet him!!

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