Wednesday, January 14, 2009

20 week Ultrasound Video

We have attached a video of just a portion of our 20 week ultrasound. This one goes through mostly the hands, but at the end of the video (around 2 minutes) the technician points out the boy parts again to us. She had already told us it was a boy at this point. Unfortunately that video (of her telling us) was too large to attach. In any case, we have one more boy to add to the Byrne clan (poor Ciara) and the first nephew on the Barrett side! Enjoy the video.......there are many more videos from that ultrasound so if you would like to see more, just let us know!
Also, if you have trouble with the video or if it stops when there is still more time to it, just fast forward a little bit and press play again, it should play. Or if it stops while it's still on the "play" button, then just let it sit for a minute sometimes it starts to play again (sorry this might be a pain). Hope you are able to enjoy it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Holy cow! I think he may look like his daddy :-) Lucky little man!