Friday, December 5, 2008

Robin felt the baby kick for the first time

Unfortunately, I've been sick all week with Bronchitis, soar throat, stuffy nose, etc. Since I have bronchitis, coughing is horrendous so I'm up all night coughing instead of sleeping. This past night, I had several horrible coughing attacks and after one in particular I felt a flutter right where the baby is of 3 little baby kicks. Maybe I was delirious from not sleeping, but it was definitely a feeling I hadn't felt yet. I'm pretty sure it was the baby's way of saying "Alright Mommy, I've had enough of this coughing, it's time to stop." The coughing and no sleep made it worth it when I felt the baby for the first time!! I told Mike the next morning and we were both excited. I should start feeling the baby more consistently soon.

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